
Kirsten eating Zucchini Tomato bake

I love to cook simple, healthy food and experiment in the kitchen. You will usually find me eating seasonal food with lots of veggies. I love accessible food, especially since I live in Japan and don’t have access to some of the foods I took for granted when I lived in Canada. You won’t find too many recipes that require ingredients that you have to go out of your way to find (unless you are not in Japan).

I’m not your ordinary food blogger, obsessed with food and always eating cold meals because everything must be meticulously photographed 😉 I make each meal with love and care but at the end of the day, food is fuel. I grew up eating delicious homemade food and now, with the health knowledge gained earning a kinesiology degree, I will not settle for anything less than good quality fuel on a regular basis. I grew up playing sports and was always aware of the connection between food and performance – some of it being personal preference and some of it backed by science. I love feeling healthy and energetic and simple veggie-filled fare makes me feel that way. Not that I don’t enjoy a Reece’s peanut butter cup now and then.

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